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Code of Conduct


By nature of being enrolled as a student at LAHS, you agree to accept and follow all school board and LAHS policies as stated in the Code of Conduct.

All students are expected to behave in a manner appropriate to a high school age student while on campus and/or while participating in any school sponsored activities. Students are expected to carefully consider their choices and to be prepared to accept the consequences of their decisions. Students are expected to:

  • Attend every class on time.
  • Complete the work given on time.
  • Be respectful and expect the same from others both in and outside the classroom.

Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner that does not interfere with the rights of others, does not interfere with the educational process, and does not create an unsafe environment. These include, but are not limited to, the following prohibited acts:

  • Congregating in the halls and disrupting the flow of traffic during passing periods;
  • Actions (verbal or written) that threaten the safety or well-being of students and staff (e.g., expressions of violence, verbal or physical assault, et. al.);
  • Bullying, intimidation and/or harassment;
  • Refusal to cooperate with school personnel;
  • Refusal to adhere to the Dress Code;
  • Refusal to adhere to the Electronic Signaling Devices Policy;
  • Refusal to identify one’s self;
  • Falsely identifying one’s self when asked for name from school personnel (including but not limited to attendance call-in either for calling in to excused one’s self or another person for an absence);
  • Failure to carry a school issued identification card;
  • Obscenity, profanity, libel, slander and “Fighting” words or symbols;
  • Sexual harassment;
  • Participating in initiations and/or hazing;
  • Presence in hallways or on campus during unsupervised periods;
  • Leaving the room without signing out;
  • Recording or filming anything on campus without permission by certified staff and/or administration;
  • Selling for personal profit, including but not limited to cigarettes, sodas, burritos, jewelry, etc.;
  • Gambling;
  • Defacing, graffiti, and/or vandalism to school property including the use of shoe polish, paint, markers, etc.;
  • Criminal damage to property, criminal trespass, and criminal libel;
  • Extortion;
  • Larceny, robbery, burglary, or theft;
  • Leaving campus during a scheduled class time without parental permission;
  • Interfering with the educational process;
  • Pulling of false alarms;
  • Calling in to excuse one’s self or another person for an absence;
  • Forging a signature;
  • Snowball throwing or tossing;
  • Skateboarding/rollerblading, scooters, roller skating shoes, and/or bicycle or unicycle riding on campus;
  • Using laser/pointer pens;
  • Failure to use the overpass.

Disruption of the Educational Process or any act of misconduct shall be subject to the discretionary action by appropriate school personnel. Consequences for violation of a prohibited act may include but are not limited to any of the following: a verbal warning, loss of access to a particular area or to certain activities or a class, an out-of-school suspension, lunch detention, clean-up, restitution and/or a fine. In situations involving a violation of municipal, state or federal statute, police will be notified and a report will be filed.

Two or more of the same violations of the code of conduct may result in a suspension to a long term suspension (LTS) or expulsion hearing.

ANY of the above infractions that occur during the last two weeks of school may have consequences that are completed during the following school year.

NOTE: The following prohibited acts are considered “non-negotiable” and WILL result in an out-of-school suspension, which MAY lead to a hearing with the superintendent, and MAY result in an out-of-school long term suspension (LTS) or expulsion.  In situations involving a violation of municipal, state or federal statute, police will be notified and a report will be filed.

  • Verbal or physical abuse of staff;
  • Fighting, assault, and/or battery;
  • Gang activity or activities;
  • Use / possession of alcohol and/or drugs and drug look-alikes, and/or drug paraphernalia;
  • Use / possession of weapons or any item or device that may be used as a weapon;
  • Bomb threats and other acts of violence, including but not limited to gangs, hate groups,
  • Promoting, initiating, or encouraging behavior in others that may result in physical, emotional, or social harm.
  • Repeated inappropriate behavior for which consequences have not deterred.