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WIN Time / Topper Time

“WIN” or “What I Need” is designed as a replacement for Academic Time and will take place during the school day, between 3rd & 4th periods on our regular A and B days. Here are links to the Bell schedule and the A/B/7p calendar.  Staff and students will use the “Securly Flex” app to design, offer, and register for WIN sessions regularly.  The students have received training on how to sign up for activities, and they can do so from their phone or computer.  If a student needs to download the app, they can do so here:

Flex for iPhone
Flex for Android / Google phone
Flex through internet browser

In addition, Securly provides helpful resources, including a training video, on how to get the most from the Flex system:

Flex Training Document Index - Students 


There are multiple reasons a student may attend a WIN session:

  1. Academic Sessions - These are the majority of sessions offered and should be available to a large group of students. Examples: general study hall, class project work sessions, specific subject help sessions, lab makeup, test corrections, subject based enrichment opportunities.
  2. Fun Sessions - These are less common and any individual teacher should not be offering more than one of these sessions per week. Examples: outdoor basketball, jazz jam session, ultimate frisbee, sports tournament. These sessions are typically not required.
  3. Club/Activity Sessions - These are the least common and any one teacher should not be offering more than one per month. Examples: Student Council monthly meeting, any other club meeting. 

*The majority of weekly clubs & activities will continue to meet during lunch. WIN Time meetings can occur no more than once a month and could be used for bigger meetings, programs, guest speakers, campaigns, etc. Club/Activity sponsors need to confirm scheduling WIN sessions with the Activity Office in advance to prevent too many groups going at the same time.


In addition to the WIN Time opportunities above, Topper Time will take place during the scheduled WIN Time slot.  Topper Time will be held approximately 2 times per month and is a replacement for our previous “Advisement”.  Students are auto assigned (in Securly Flex) to their ‘advisor’ and they will attend WIN on these days in that teacher’s classroom.  Specific lessons will be provided along with discussion questions and other possible activities so that teachers do not have to plan these sessions themselves. In the first few weeks of the school year, we will utilize Topper Time to initially teach students how to use Securly Flex, go over the Student Handbook, and more. 

***Topper Time is MANDATORY for all students. Dates are available in the Topper Time specifics document and in the Topper Events Calendar.  Students are expected to plan ahead to avoid any scheduling conflicts due to enrollment in an off campus college course, Job XP, MAPS, or Work Study.


Since WIN Time has been scheduled within the school day, we do report attendance for this period, taken through the Flex scheduling system.  Attendance will then be transferred to PowerSchool, so every absence from WIN adds to the rolling allowance of absences per school year.  It is important that your student attend WIN.  We understand that not all students will need the academic support, but we feel that all students can benefit from WIN Time.  As stated earlier, WIN Time also allows opportunities for students to improve soft skills, develop social skills, build connections, and more.  Please encourage your student to sign up for something they actually want to do!


We will allow exemptions from WIN Time attendance for upperclassmen that have legitimate scheduling reasons.  The process requires students to get approved for an exemption in advance.  Students need to complete a WIN Waiver Form which can be picked up in the Counseling office.  If exempted, students may still attend WIN as needed, but will have to communicate with the teacher for attendance.


Below are a few questions we’ve had regarding WIN time. If you have any more, please ask! The best way to do so is via email:

Q: What happens if I don’t sign up for WIN in the Securly Flex app?

A: Students are auto-assigned to the “Large Group Study Hall” in Lower Commons if they do not register for a WIN session. During this “Catchall,” students will likely be asked to take out their computers and register for the next day’s WIN time.

Q: When is the deadline for registering for a WIN session?

A: Originally planned for 9pm the evening before, we’ve extended the deadline to the end of the lunch period on the day of.

Q: What is WIN time?

A: WIN (What I Need) time is a dedicated period during the school day designed to provide students with personalized support. It allows students to receive additional help on academic subjects, work on assignments, or engage in enrichment activities tailored to their individual needs. 

Q: When is WIN Time?

A: WIN time takes place on all block days between 3rd & 4th periods. See the Bell schedule and the A/B/7p calendar for exact timing and dates.

Q: What if my student doesn’t have homework or makeup labs?

A: There are plenty of WIN sessions that are non-academic. Some are outdoor energy-burning activities, some are indoor tabletop games. There are lots of options to choose from!

Q: If my student is struggling in a class but is refusing to go to a specific teacher for help, what can I do?

A: Please contact the teacher and that teacher can ‘require’ a student to attend their session.

Q: What if my student is required to go to two different sessions?

A: Students may find themselves in this position. They simply need to speak to their teachers and find an alternative day for one of the sessions.

Q: How long is WIN time?

A: WIN time is 41 minutes on every A or B block day. On a typical 5-day week, that would be Mon, Tue, Wed, and Thu. Most Fridays are 7-period days and we are not offering WIN on 7-period days in order to maximize the amount of time students are in regular classes.